Fully Automated Laboratory Services

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Fully Automated Laboratory Services

Our laboratory is well equipped with a fully automated system for all your investigations and our services are round the clock, 24 hours, 7 days. These investigations are not limited to:


FBC: Full blood count also known as a complete blood count provides information about the cells in a person’s blood (red cells, white blood cells and platelets).

Blood Grouping: This determines a person’s blood type.

Hb Genotyping: This provide information about a person’s hemoglobin types (There are four types: AA, AS, SS and SC).

PT: Prothrombin time measures the time it takes for the liquid portion of your blood (plasma) to clot. It measures the function of a part of the clotting system.

INR: International normalized ratio is derived from PT and is used to test clotting times in people on medication.

PTT: Partial thromboplastin time measures the time it takes for the liquid portion of your blood (plasma) to clot. It measures the function of a part of the clotting system.

Bleeding time: This test assesses the function of the platelets.

X-Matching: Also known as cross matching is a blood compatibility test done before blood transfusion.

Direct coombs test, Indirect coombs test.

D-Dimer: Checks for blood clotting problems.


MP: Also known as malaria parasite.

WIDAL: Used to diagnose enteric fever.

URINE M/C/S: also known as urine microscopy, culture and sensitivity. Used to diagnose urinary tract infections.

Stool M/C/S: Also known as stool microscopy, culture and sensitivity. Used to diagnose enteric fever.

Blood Cultures: Used to diagnose sepsis.

SFA ANALYSIS: Also called Seminal fluid analysis. It analyses the quality of the semen.

HVS/ECS-/M/C/S: Also known as high vaginal swab/endo-cervical swab microscopy, culture and sensitivity. Used to diagnose vaginal infections.

Ear/Wound swap MCS: Ear/wound swab microscopy, culture and sensitivity. Used to diagnose ear infections.

Skin snipping: Used to diagnose parasitic infections.

Skin scrapings: Used to diagnose fungal infections.

Sputum M/C/S: Also known as sputum microscopy, culture and sensitivity. Used to diagnose respiratory tract infections.

Blood Film Report


CCS (Cervical Cancer Screening)/Pap Smear: Used to diagnose a viral infection that causes cervical cancer.


All Electrolytes tests, Uric Acid.

FBS/RBS: Fasting Blood Sugar/Random Blood Sugar.

PT (Urine).

Electrolytes/Renal function Tests.

Liver Function Tests (AST, ALT, ALP).

Lipid Profile, Serum Bilirubin (Total & Direct), Serum Proteins.

OGTT: Oral glucose tolerance test. Used to diagnose gestational diabetes.


PSA: Also known as prostate specific antigen. Used to diagnose prostate cancer.

HBA1C: Used to diagnose Diabetes

Urinalysis: Also known as urine analysis.

Faecal Occult Blood: Used to diagnose GIT bleeding.

Serum PT: Pregnancy test

Troponin 1, Troponin 2, CK MB, LDH.

AMYLASE: Used to measure the function of the pancreas.


CRP: Also known as C-reactive protein. Checks for inflammation in your body.


HIV: Human immune virus.

HBV: Hepatitis B virus.

HBV PANEL: Hepatitis B panel.

HCV: Hepatitis C virus.

VDRL: Used to screen for syphilis.

  1. Pylori: Also known as Helicobacter pylori. Used to diagnose ulcer.

T.B Screening: For Tuberculosis.


FSH, LH, Prolactin, Eostrogen, Testosterone, Progesterone, T3, T4, TSH.




CEA and Others.